Pawns are residents of your fortresses, they can get any job assigned to them when provided with enough gear.

Amount and Obtaining
Pawns are free and will join your fortress quite quickly after you don't have the maximum, spawning near your campfire. While pawns are free, their profession's gear isn't. But most professions don't have a gear requirement, which makes hostile mobs just an annoyance. You get 5 maximum pawn capacity at the start, and for every bed in built "Living Houses" category of blueprints you get +1 to your maximum.
- To travel directly up, pawns can use ladders, vines and scaffolding but not water, they ignore scaffolding placed horizontally as a walkable block
- While getting to places outside of vanilla pathfinding they will use temporary blocks ("minefortress:scaffold_oak_planks_b_1_1_0") to bridge there that disappear after use
- When there is a hostile mob in sight, the pawn will try and attack it, they will keep their distance large enough for a zombie to be unable to hit them
- But when a pawn takes damage, nearby pawns will group up and charge the attacker.
- Pawns will avoid creepers, but creepers won't explode
- Military professions except archers won't attack anyone until you order it
- The name pawn for a colonist is likely to be inspired by a game called Rimworld
- Pawns use the same model as the player