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Her pussy smelled like chocolate<br>It was late... I took the metro home from the party. The yellow line of the St. Petersburg metro. I don't like it. Running down the escalator, [ Kiss] I was thinking only about how not to miss the last train. And at the very last moment I run into the closing doors.... phew. I made it. I hurriedly sat down on the seat. There was a girl sitting across from me. The locks of her dark hair went down below her shoulders, [ Анал] over her chest.... Hmm... I don't know why I suddenly started looking at her. Tall... 5'10", white tank top, short denim skirt. Leg tucked over her leg. She was sitting there fiddling with her phone and clearly didn't see me looking at her. I was getting a little carried away. It must have been the alcohol, of which I had a decent amount. Mmm. What legs she's got. long, shapely. just like in the adverts. She must be a model. I looked at her from the bottom to the top. And I stopped at her breasts. Yeah, she clearly despised bras. But with her breasts, she could afford one. Looking at her nipples protruding from her white tank top, I started to get turned on. It was such a beautiful sight. Suddenly this dark-haired beauty takes her leg off her knee and sits up straight. Her legs are spread out there. I start to stare at her more and more. And my keen eye sees that she's not wearing any panties either. That started to drive me crazy. By the way, I wasn't wearing any either. it was hot. the skirt was tight... but at least it was loose. I kept staring at her crotch, biting my plump lip. That's what she caught me doing. I started thinking about what to do. Shamefully hide my eyes or... But her question interrupted my thoughts. - I see you're enjoying yourself. - Yes," I said with a sigh. - Well, then watch this. And suddenly she bent her magnificent leg at the knee and put it on the seat, to the right of herself.... What a view! Smooth, pink lips beckoned to me. There wasn't a hair on her pubis. She lightly moved her hand and pulled her folds apart, exposing her clitoris..... I caught my breath. She began to run her long finger over it. Slowly and very gracefully. Then she took that finger in her mouth and ran her tongue over it, and started caressing herself lower and lower, going a little into her vagina. I got dizzy. My mind was jumbled. I started stroking my breasts, squeezing my nipples. I bit my lips, enjoying the view. Alcohol and lust started to do its work. And I took the same position as my beauty. I started caressing myself in front of this stranger in the underground carriage! It started to drive me crazy. - Come to me," her voice sounded like thunder in my ears. I stood up and took a couple of steps. As I approached her, I crouched down on the floor on my knees. My face was level with her pee-pee. She moved her finger harder and harder. I couldn't hold back any longer, I took her hand away and touched her clit with my tongue. Her pussy smelled like chocolate. What a stupefying smell! I felt dizzy for a moment, but I dug my lips harder into her nubbin. She let out a long sigh. She obviously liked what I was doing. I began to run my tongue over her pussy. MM. so sweet! I've wanted to caress a woman for so long! And now it was happening. I caressed her greedily, as if she was about to be taken away from me. My naughty tongue began to climb into her vagina. With my finger I caressed her clit. - Come inside me," she demanded. I licked my fingers, looking into her big green eyes, and began to enter her quietly, first with one finger and then with the other. I moved them faster and faster, coming out of her almost completely and forcefully back in. She moved forward a little, exposing her other hole to my face. It was so small, so pink, that I immediately started caressing it with my tongue. My girlfriend moaned out loud. We had already travelled a couple of stops, and luckily no one entered the stations. Although I don't think we would have been embarrassed by anyone, it felt so good. I was licking her hole, pounding her cunt with my fingers, but I wanted her to lick me so badly that I pulled my fingers out of her, knelt down on the seat, pulled her down with my hands so that she could reach my crotch with her tongue. I pulled up my short skirt. She licked herself. She grabbed my bottom with both hands and pulled me closer to her. How I've been waiting for this moment! And here this beautiful lady was on my clit! I thought I was going to cum right away. But no... she wouldn't let me! Ah... how she licked! Her tongue was everywhere at once!<br>Her fingers reached into me, and she began to pound me passionately. I couldn't hold back my screams... it felt so good. It seemed that my secretions should already start flowing down my legs, so much of them.... But she licked it all up, every last drop. I came. I screamed so hard, the emotions couldn't hold in me any longer. We sat down next to each other and started stroking each other, getting under our clothes, caressing our legs. And almost simultaneously we started stroking our pussies again. How wonderful it was... We kissed. We wanted each other even more, we just couldn't let go. But all good things come to an end. We reached the final stop. We had to get off. Holding hands, we got out of the carriage. The escalator was empty, so I decided to do a little more goodbye. Spreading her legs, I started pounding her pussy with my fingers, caressing her clit with my other hand. She moaned harder and harder and finally cummed. I pulled out my wet fingers and let her lick them. They smelled like chocolate, but the smell of sex was added to it.... By the metro we kissed passionately, exchanged phone numbers and [ Hündin] agreed to meet at my place sometime. But that's another story.
邻街都能听到他的呻吟声<br>下午好 我叫尼古拉,今年 32 [ Хардкор] 岁。我的妻子和两个孩子在一次交通事故中丧生,因此我独自一人生活。我妻子死后,我就一无所有了。我的妻子克里斯蒂娜是家里的经济支柱。我不得不去找工作。现在我在一家超市当保安。我最后一次做爱是在一年前,其余时间我都在打飞机,现在也是。我不能说我的身材非常健美,但我可以夸耀的是,我有长方体和漂亮的肌肉手臂。我妻子有个弟弟。他叫埃戈尔,是个不错的孩子。他总是在电脑上捣乱,编程什么的。他出生后父亲就抛弃了他,是母亲把他拉扯大的。埃戈尔尽量在家里学习,因为他很怕人。我永远也不会明白,但他.....。他绯红柔软的嘴唇,美丽温顺的丝质头发,只要你试着闻一次,就能把你送上第七层天堂,闻一闻他薄荷味的洗发水。有力的双手,温柔的声音。所有这一切乍一看都无法与这个男人相匹配。他强壮的体格和女性柔弱的性格,在一起无法合拍,但他们努力去做了。虽然我的公寓租出去住了几天,但我更喜欢住在埃戈尔母亲的家里。我的工作日从 3 点开始,所以我有充足的时间在上班前做好准备。---- 14:37 - 别等我了,我迟到了。- 好的,爸爸。埃戈尔需要一个父亲 他需要一个肥皂剧里的男人 一个榜样 不知不觉,他就开始叫我爸爸了。我甚至都习惯了 离开家的时候,我抽了一会儿烟,就往门口走去。慢慢靠近他房间的窗户,我变得麻木了。埃戈尔正对着一张我的裸照慢慢自慰,那是他在洗澡时不知怎么拍的。这个孩子,正在慢慢地抬起和放下他那不小的家伙。他的窗户开着,戴着耳机坐在那里听着黄片。隔壁街上似乎都能听到他甜美而响亮的呻吟声。我的朋友开始起身。我拍了拍自己的脸颊,试图忘记这件事,然后继续工作。---- 00:17 我无法让自己平静下来。我的内心既愤怒又激情。长期以来,我一直被他穿着泳裤的大屁股吸引着,当我们一起洗澡,在河岸上拥抱时,他那雪白的屁股让人食欲大增。- 他需要受到惩罚。让他看看男人是怎么做的。带着这样的想法,我走出即将关门的超市,沿着 21 号公路回家。---- 00:58 这段路程大多不太远。车站几乎就在家门口。慢慢地打开趟门,我低头开始朝他家的窗户走去。我做好了一切准备。慢慢地打开门,脱掉鞋子,我拿着皮带,慢慢地向他的房间走去。我的伴侣已经准备好撕开我的白色内裤,喷射出香甜的精液。- 好了,好了,好了,好了。- 爸 我叫你敲门的!- 敲门?看看你在干什么 我要给你上一课 - 爸,等等,我做了什么?爸爸,不要 我搂着他的脖子,轻轻地把他抱进房间。- "待在这儿,"我边说边关上了我们小窝的门。我打开灯,脱掉背心,坐在他面前的床上。- 你怎么解释这个?- 爸,我只是太兴奋了。- 他兴奋了?我的照片也让你兴奋了?男孩脸红了 我想他开始怀疑我看他打手枪已经很久了 并不是因为我真的生气 [ Lesbisch] 而是因为我们都想操对方 - 把衣服脱了。- 爸,不要,"埃戈尔小声说,开始有点哭了。- 男人说到做到。我撕下背心,拍打他的屁股。- 现在是短裤。- 爸,求求你,我不会再这么做了。- 闭嘴 小男孩颤抖着脱下了他的红色短裤。我的目光落在他的阴茎凸起处。他的鸡巴凸起得很厉害,还在微微抽搐。我猛地拉下他的短裤,开始拉开拉链。- 爸!"儿子已经在喊了。我没有理他,轻轻地把他弯了过来。男孩停止了反抗。我的鸡巴硬硬地从裤子里掉了出来,散发着浓浓的精液味。- 继续。- 好的,父亲。他慢慢张开小嘴,艰难地把我的鸡巴放了进去。我们和埃戈尔一起呻吟起来。在他温柔而美妙的口交之后,他躺在了我的腿上。他开始主动出击,而我只是支持。-  [ Lesbisch] 像个婊子一样打我屁股<br>老实说,我没想到他会这么说,但我还是开始动手了。我从他的手开始,最后用我那粗粗的军用皮带,在他猩红的屁股上留下了几道浅紫色的印记,我把他举起来,放在我的木桩上。这样的幸福生活持续了几分钟,突然,邻居敲响了我们的房门。我穿上裤子跑出去找她。当我回来时,看到叶戈尔正在地板上射精。我弯下腰,把他的精液涂在手指上,让他舔干净。- 地板上还有很多 你有多久没打飞机了?他停下手中的饭,深吸一口气,说道。- 一个星期。我以为你那天会操我。他用手握住我的鸡巴,开始打飞机,脸上沾了一大滩白色的东西。- 去洗洗吧!--我用威胁的口吻对埃戈尔说。- 好的,尼古拉。在浴室里,他甜甜地笑着,不知羞耻地用嘴含住我的鸡巴,咬我的乳头,抚摸我的大腿。这真是我们俩的天堂。洗干净后,我们上床,他靠在我的胸前。- 你还会和我做爱吗?- 当然,阳光。我轻轻拉开他的脸,给他口交。

Revision as of 18:18, 10 September 2024

下午好 我叫尼古拉,今年 32 Хардкор 岁。我的妻子和两个孩子在一次交通事故中丧生,因此我独自一人生活。我妻子死后,我就一无所有了。我的妻子克里斯蒂娜是家里的经济支柱。我不得不去找工作。现在我在一家超市当保安。我最后一次做爱是在一年前,其余时间我都在打飞机,现在也是。我不能说我的身材非常健美,但我可以夸耀的是,我有长方体和漂亮的肌肉手臂。我妻子有个弟弟。他叫埃戈尔,是个不错的孩子。他总是在电脑上捣乱,编程什么的。他出生后父亲就抛弃了他,是母亲把他拉扯大的。埃戈尔尽量在家里学习,因为他很怕人。我永远也不会明白,但他.....。他绯红柔软的嘴唇,美丽温顺的丝质头发,只要你试着闻一次,就能把你送上第七层天堂,闻一闻他薄荷味的洗发水。有力的双手,温柔的声音。所有这一切乍一看都无法与这个男人相匹配。他强壮的体格和女性柔弱的性格,在一起无法合拍,但他们努力去做了。虽然我的公寓租出去住了几天,但我更喜欢住在埃戈尔母亲的家里。我的工作日从 3 点开始,所以我有充足的时间在上班前做好准备。---- 14:37 - 别等我了,我迟到了。- 好的,爸爸。埃戈尔需要一个父亲 他需要一个肥皂剧里的男人 一个榜样 不知不觉,他就开始叫我爸爸了。我甚至都习惯了 离开家的时候,我抽了一会儿烟,就往门口走去。慢慢靠近他房间的窗户,我变得麻木了。埃戈尔正对着一张我的裸照慢慢自慰,那是他在洗澡时不知怎么拍的。这个孩子,正在慢慢地抬起和放下他那不小的家伙。他的窗户开着,戴着耳机坐在那里听着黄片。隔壁街上似乎都能听到他甜美而响亮的呻吟声。我的朋友开始起身。我拍了拍自己的脸颊,试图忘记这件事,然后继续工作。---- 00:17 我无法让自己平静下来。我的内心既愤怒又激情。长期以来,我一直被他穿着泳裤的大屁股吸引着,当我们一起洗澡,在河岸上拥抱时,他那雪白的屁股让人食欲大增。- 他需要受到惩罚。让他看看男人是怎么做的。带着这样的想法,我走出即将关门的超市,沿着 21 号公路回家。---- 00:58 这段路程大多不太远。车站几乎就在家门口。慢慢地打开趟门,我低头开始朝他家的窗户走去。我做好了一切准备。慢慢地打开门,脱掉鞋子,我拿着皮带,慢慢地向他的房间走去。我的伴侣已经准备好撕开我的白色内裤,喷射出香甜的精液。- 好了,好了,好了,好了。- 爸 我叫你敲门的!- 敲门?看看你在干什么 我要给你上一课 - 爸,等等,我做了什么?爸爸,不要 我搂着他的脖子,轻轻地把他抱进房间。- "待在这儿,"我边说边关上了我们小窝的门。我打开灯,脱掉背心,坐在他面前的床上。- 你怎么解释这个?- 爸,我只是太兴奋了。- 他兴奋了?我的照片也让你兴奋了?男孩脸红了 我想他开始怀疑我看他打手枪已经很久了 并不是因为我真的生气 Lesbisch 而是因为我们都想操对方 - 把衣服脱了。- 爸,不要,"埃戈尔小声说,开始有点哭了。- 男人说到做到。我撕下背心,拍打他的屁股。- 现在是短裤。- 爸,求求你,我不会再这么做了。- 闭嘴 小男孩颤抖着脱下了他的红色短裤。我的目光落在他的阴茎凸起处。他的鸡巴凸起得很厉害,还在微微抽搐。我猛地拉下他的短裤,开始拉开拉链。- 爸!"儿子已经在喊了。我没有理他,轻轻地把他弯了过来。男孩停止了反抗。我的鸡巴硬硬地从裤子里掉了出来,散发着浓浓的精液味。- 继续。- 好的,父亲。他慢慢张开小嘴,艰难地把我的鸡巴放了进去。我们和埃戈尔一起呻吟起来。在他温柔而美妙的口交之后,他躺在了我的腿上。他开始主动出击,而我只是支持。- Lesbisch 像个婊子一样打我屁股
老实说,我没想到他会这么说,但我还是开始动手了。我从他的手开始,最后用我那粗粗的军用皮带,在他猩红的屁股上留下了几道浅紫色的印记,我把他举起来,放在我的木桩上。这样的幸福生活持续了几分钟,突然,邻居敲响了我们的房门。我穿上裤子跑出去找她。当我回来时,看到叶戈尔正在地板上射精。我弯下腰,把他的精液涂在手指上,让他舔干净。- 地板上还有很多 你有多久没打飞机了?他停下手中的饭,深吸一口气,说道。- 一个星期。我以为你那天会操我。他用手握住我的鸡巴,开始打飞机,脸上沾了一大滩白色的东西。- 去洗洗吧!--我用威胁的口吻对埃戈尔说。- 好的,尼古拉。在浴室里,他甜甜地笑着,不知羞耻地用嘴含住我的鸡巴,咬我的乳头,抚摸我的大腿。这真是我们俩的天堂。洗干净后,我们上床,他靠在我的胸前。- 你还会和我做爱吗?- 当然,阳光。我轻轻拉开他的脸,给他口交。