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여성으로 여장하기<br>저는 18살 때 온라인에서 한 남자를 만난 적이 있어요. 그는 사교적이었고 우리는 만나기 전에 오랫동안 연락을 주고받았어요. 저녁에 저희 동네에서 만났어요. 그는 빨간색 오펠 스포츠카를 타고 저를 데리러 왔어요. 우리는 드라이브를 하러 갔고 그는 저를 사우나에 초대했어요. 우리는 가죽 소파에 앉은 대형 스튜디오 홀에 한증막 두 개, [ Kazirodztwo] 자쿠지, 다소 큰 수영장이 있는 VIP 룸을 빌렸어요. 에고르는 약 30세 정도의 대머리에 건장한 체격에 옅은 수염을 기르고 목에 커다란 체인을 두른 갈색 머리의 쾌활한 남자였습니다. 반면에 저는 키는 크지만 마른 체격에 할리 베리 헤어스타일을 하고 엉덩이가 둥근 남자였습니다. 관자놀이에 살짝 솜털이 난 것이 그때까지 나타난 유일한 털이었습니다. 나는 항상 남자와 섹스를 해보고 싶었지만 그 전에는 다른 물건으로 게임 만했다) 그래서 맥주 한 병을 마신 후 우리는 찜질방에 가서 옷을 벗고 조금 부끄러워서 에고 르가 나를 도왔습니다. 제 바지를 벗고 그는 제 엉덩이에 손을 대었습니다. 한증막에서 에고르는 저를 선반 위에 엎드려서 아주 편안한 마사지를 해주었고, 저는 마침내 진정되었고 엉덩이와 엉덩이 사이를 오일로 마사지했을 때 약간의 신음 소리까지 냈습니다. 한증막을 나와 홀에 갔을 때 저는 수영장에 뛰어들었고 그는 테이블로 갔어요. 제가 나왔을 때 깜짝 선물이 기다리고 있었어요. 그는 저에게 아름다운 검은색 미니 비키니 스타일의 수영복과 워터프루프 아이섀도를 줬어요. 수영복을 입고 아이섀도를 발랐는데 정말 마음에 들었어요. 비키니는 제 하의의 둥근 부분을 강조했고, 상의는 잘 맞았으며 섀도우는 제 모습을 완전히 바꿔주었어요! 에고르는 저를 불러 의자에 편안히 앉아 사타구니에서 수건을 벗겨주었어요. 저는 그 앞에 무릎을 꿇고 앉아 그의 성기에 키스했어요. 그것은 저에게 컸습니다. 그의 발기된 성기의 머리 부분만 내 입에 들어갔다. 나는 윤활을 위해 침을 흘리며 머리를 움직이기 시작했다. 나는 그의 부드러운 성기, 고환, 사타구니를 사랑했다. 나는 모든 곳에 키스했다. 그는 내 입에서 자지를 빼고 내 뺨을 두드렸다. 제 턱에서 눈까지 키스했어요. 그런 다음 그는 다시 제 입에 넣고 제 입안에서 움직이기 시작했어요. 저는 그가 반쯤 들어왔다는 걸 알았어요. 그런 다음 그는 저를 품에 안고 소파에 옆으로 눕히고 제 뒤에 누웠어요. 그는 제 팬티 가장자리를 뒤로 당기고 제 엉덩이와 거시기에 윤활유를 바르고 부드럽게 제 안으로 밀어 넣었습니다. "잠깐만요, 하지 마세요"라고 말하며 천천히 전진하던 그는 중간 지점에 이르렀고 그 감각에 익숙해져야 한다고 말했습니다. 그가 더 깊숙이 들어가고 얼어붙어 움직이기 시작하기까지 몇 초가 걸렸습니다. 나는 천천히 익숙해졌고 마침내 장난감에 대해 너무 흥분했던 감각을 느꼈습니다. 그는 더 빨리 움직이기 시작했고 갑자기 제 안으로 완전히 들어왔습니다. 나는 많은 고통에 시달렸고 비명을 질렀습니다. 에고르는 손으로 내 입을 가리고 신음하기 시작했고 그의 단단한 축이 경련을 일으키고 내 안에서 따뜻한 정액이 느껴졌습니다. 그는 아주 오랫동안 사정했고 마지막에 그는 천천히 움직이기 시작하여 매우 깊숙이 들어가 거의 완전히 거시기를 빼기 시작했습니다. 그는 자지를 빼고 일어섰고 저는 눈을 감고 누워 있었어요. 고통과 쾌감이 전립선 부위에서 싸우고 있었어요. 갑자기 정액 냄새가 났고 눈을 떴을 때 여전히 딱딱한 그의 거시기를 보았습니다. 그는 내 입으로 들어가고 싶었지만 나는 입을 다물었다. 그는 고집을 부리며 제 입술 위로 머리를 움직였습니다. 좋은 냄새가 났고 나는 입을 벌리고 반쯤 받아들였다. 에고르의 요청에 따라 저는 입술을 모으고 그의 성기 표면에서 정액 한 층을 제거했습니다. 그는 개그 반사를 일으키면서 더 깊숙이 들어가기 시작했지만 잠시 후 멈추고 "급락"을 계속했습니다. 힘들었지만 그는 거의 완전히 밀어 넣었고 거의 참을 수 없었고 그는 제 목구멍 아래로 조금 깊숙이 움직였습니다. 그런 다음 그는 자지를 빼서 들어 올려서 저를 수영장에 던지고 제 위로 뛰어 올라 저를 그에게로 끌어당겼습니다. 그의 거시기는 말뚝처럼 서 있었어요. 잘생긴 남자는 저를 팔에 안고 정면에서 저를 끌어안고 엉덩이를 가리키며 윤활유가 잘 묻은 제 정액이 가득한 엉덩이에 거시기를 집어넣었습니다. 나는 물속에서 매우 가벼웠고 일어서서 그는 약 10분 동안 저를 섹스했습니다. 그는 날카롭게 삽입했다가 빼고 나를 들어 올린 다음 다시 완전히 휘두르며 나를 들어 올렸습니다. 저는 그의 힘에 놀랐어요! 모든 상황이 정말 흥미진진했어요. 저는 약하고 무방비 상태인 진짜 소녀처럼 보였고, [ Pieprzyć się] 그 강한 남자는 자신 있게 저를 수영장으로 데려가고 있었어요. 제 작은 거시기가 우리 몸 사이를 문지르고 있었고 저는 사정할 준비가 되어 있었어요. 갑자기 에고르가 멈추고 저를 수영장 옆에 가슴을 대고 눕힌 다음 뒤에서 들어왔어요. 내 자지는 공중에 자유롭게 매달려 있었다. 그는 제 가느 다란 허리를 잡고 거칠게 들어갔고 저는 다시 고통 스러웠습니다. 그가 나왔을 때 그는 다시 힘을 주어 완전히 밀어 넣었다가 다시 나왔다. 에고르는 저를 맹렬히 밀어 넣기 시작했고, 그의 큰 불알이 제 단단한 자지에 부딪히면서 끝까지 들어왔습니다.<br>오래 아프지 않았고 곧 나는 찌르기에 익숙해졌고 그의 강력한 움직임과 그의 고환의 감각에 찢어지기 시작했습니다. 나는 정액을 내기 시작했다 ... 정액 방울이 수영장 물에 바로 튀었습니다. 나는 너무 긴장해서 사정을 할 때 거의 기절 할 뻔했지만 몇 초 후 에고르는 나를 뒤집고 내 얼굴 위로 올라가 내 눈,  [ Kazirodztwo] 뺨,  [ Model] 입술에 정액을 뿌리기 시작했습니다. 정액 스프레이가 저를 세게 때리고 있었고 Egor는 그의 성기 축을 따라 손을 움직이고있었습니다. 그는 그것을 내 입에 넣고 모든 정액을 묻히기 시작했습니다. 나는 순종했고 그는 그럴 자격이있었습니다! 그는 성기를 완전히 삽입했고 나는 견뎌냈습니다. 그는 제 머리를 잡고 제 안으로 자지를 움직여 정액과 침으로 질식했습니다. 그가 자지를 꺼냈을 때 그는 내 얼굴을 두드렸고 나는 소파에 가서 10분 동안 누워서 하얀 방울로 얼룩진 검은 수영복을 입은 첫 애인에게 찢기고 엉덩이를 맞은 느낌으로 찢어졌습니다. 다리가 마비되었습니다. 30 분 후 우리는 청소를하고 그는 나를 집으로 데려다주었습니다. 정말 좋았어요.
Fucking another man's wife in front of her husband.<br>Yay, it finally happened... in short, right off the bat, yesterday we fucked a woman for three! You won't believe it, but it was the wife of Pasha, my close friend from work. Right at work at the hospital where she works as a nurse. In general, Tanya is 15 years older than her husband, she is 45 years old, and he as it is not difficult to guess 30 years old in the summer. So we are sitting with my brother in the office for physiotherapy procedures and waiting for Pashka, who appointed us a meeting there, explaining that there will be something unusual. - Are you guys ready for the celebration of life??? Why so gloomy? Shchas shortly you will go nuts what I have prepared for us...enthusiastically said Pashok - Tanya come in and....prosloped Pashka And in the office entered his wife, to tell the truth, I have long dreamed of hitting her, I really liked her big ass with full thighs. Tanya came in and immediately closed the door on the key and went to us sitting on the couch. When I realized what was going on it was too late, she came right up to my brother and took his hand and directed his hand under her robe between her legs! Pashka stood a meter away and took off his pants and jerked his cock. - Do not worry men...turned to us wifey. Today and now you can do everything you would like to get from the most depraved whore in the world... proudly said Pashka jacking his dick. - Last night, Pasha continued, my wife and I decided to go to live in Peter and before leaving, we wanted to do something we would remember and wanted to do for a long time... Tanya stood silently in front of us and spread her legs a little squatting, kneaded her breasts and continued to drive the whole brush of her brother into her vagina! I did not stay away from the celebration and took out my cock and stood next to the [ bitch] and gave it in the palm of my hand... Tanya began to jerk off immediately, showing all her skill! She was moaning and jerking off, at the same time as on the cock she was thrusting on Kirill's hand. The smell of her cunt already let me know that the woman was flowing like a baby. Then she lay on the floor with her belly down and spread her buttocks... it was clear what she wanted. But Pashka commented still for convincing - So, fuck in turn in the ass until you cum, then me! Is it clear? - How much clearer Pashok...I said and first lay down on this slut! The cock came in quite easily and it was clear that her ass was already fucked up. But at the same time there was an inexpressible feeling of pleasure. I held Tanka's head, lifted her face a little and  [ Mor] pulled her up by the neck and started fucking her in the ass! Her thick lush ass was moving around and I felt my body pounding against her sexy barrels and just gorgeous ass! I fucked and could not believe the happiness that finally the woman on whom I only occasionally jerked off was now lying on the house and obediently and gives herself to be fucked in the most intimate place in the butt! Tightly grabbing Tanya's head I maximally inserted my cock into her and [ milf] started to cum, while still driving my cock into her ass,  [ Mor] after a dozen thrusts I took my cock out and gave my brother the workplace. He unceremoniously drove his cock into Tanya's already fucked ass and with some wild animal grin started to work. Surprisingly, my brother quickly spurted cum into our Tanya's anus, from which she said surprised: - That's it? Come on, just a little more!!! Boys I want sex, are you so weak? - Shut up whore, suddenly shouted Pashka... He came to my wife and put her in the rack that there is a dope vsoderil wife his dick in the ass... He fucked her for about 40 minutes. I was about to ask to give up my seat when Tanya suddenly turned to me: "Are you going to jerk off on the sidelines or will you finally give the lady pleasure? Since the seat behind me was already occupied by my husband in law, the only thing I had to do was to give her a mouthful. Tanya opened her mouth and beckoned me with her tongue and started sucking me off, or rather from Pasha's blows on her ass she only had to put her head on my cock. Such swings ended in about 15 minutes with a violent orgasm. Tanya screamed so that I involuntarily began to cum in her mouth, with cum pouring out of her mouth and lips. I was cumming and cumming, holding her head I wanted to cum down her throat so she would swallow the cum. But since the girl was in ecstasy and was making noise like crazy, then to my regret "on the lips flowed and in the mouth did not get it". Pashka fucked his wife a little more, also took out his cock and jerked it over his wife's face and poured his supply on her face. As I realized that the woman did not like and did not want to swallow our cum and the maximum that we could count on was that we would cum on her face. Of course the sight was surprisingly arousing, on her knees in the office in a medical officer's gown stood a woman with her breasts out and with a face on which there was not a centimeter not smeared with cum. Tanya wiped the cum off her face with her hands and licked her fingers and walked away without saying a word. I would probably never have sex like that again, but now I realized that I had to make a whore out of my wife!

Revision as of 01:27, 11 September 2024

Fucking another man's wife in front of her husband.
Yay, it finally happened... in short, right off the bat, yesterday we fucked a woman for three! You won't believe it, but it was the wife of Pasha, my close friend from work. Right at work at the hospital where she works as a nurse. In general, Tanya is 15 years older than her husband, she is 45 years old, and he as it is not difficult to guess 30 years old in the summer. So we are sitting with my brother in the office for physiotherapy procedures and waiting for Pashka, who appointed us a meeting there, explaining that there will be something unusual. - Are you guys ready for the celebration of life??? Why so gloomy? Shchas shortly you will go nuts what I have prepared for us...enthusiastically said Pashok - Tanya come in and....prosloped Pashka And in the office entered his wife, to tell the truth, I have long dreamed of hitting her, I really liked her big ass with full thighs. Tanya came in and immediately closed the door on the key and went to us sitting on the couch. When I realized what was going on it was too late, she came right up to my brother and took his hand and directed his hand under her robe between her legs! Pashka stood a meter away and took off his pants and jerked his cock. - Do not worry men...turned to us wifey. Today and now you can do everything you would like to get from the most depraved whore in the world... proudly said Pashka jacking his dick. - Last night, Pasha continued, my wife and I decided to go to live in Peter and before leaving, we wanted to do something we would remember and wanted to do for a long time... Tanya stood silently in front of us and spread her legs a little squatting, kneaded her breasts and continued to drive the whole brush of her brother into her vagina! I did not stay away from the celebration and took out my cock and stood next to the bitch and gave it in the palm of my hand... Tanya began to jerk off immediately, showing all her skill! She was moaning and jerking off, at the same time as on the cock she was thrusting on Kirill's hand. The smell of her cunt already let me know that the woman was flowing like a baby. Then she lay on the floor with her belly down and spread her buttocks... it was clear what she wanted. But Pashka commented still for convincing - So, fuck in turn in the ass until you cum, then me! Is it clear? - How much clearer Pashok...I said and first lay down on this slut! The cock came in quite easily and it was clear that her ass was already fucked up. But at the same time there was an inexpressible feeling of pleasure. I held Tanka's head, lifted her face a little and Mor pulled her up by the neck and started fucking her in the ass! Her thick lush ass was moving around and I felt my body pounding against her sexy barrels and just gorgeous ass! I fucked and could not believe the happiness that finally the woman on whom I only occasionally jerked off was now lying on the house and obediently and gives herself to be fucked in the most intimate place in the butt! Tightly grabbing Tanya's head I maximally inserted my cock into her and milf started to cum, while still driving my cock into her ass, Mor after a dozen thrusts I took my cock out and gave my brother the workplace. He unceremoniously drove his cock into Tanya's already fucked ass and with some wild animal grin started to work. Surprisingly, my brother quickly spurted cum into our Tanya's anus, from which she said surprised: - That's it? Come on, just a little more!!! Boys I want sex, are you so weak? - Shut up whore, suddenly shouted Pashka... He came to my wife and put her in the rack that there is a dope vsoderil wife his dick in the ass... He fucked her for about 40 minutes. I was about to ask to give up my seat when Tanya suddenly turned to me: "Are you going to jerk off on the sidelines or will you finally give the lady pleasure? Since the seat behind me was already occupied by my husband in law, the only thing I had to do was to give her a mouthful. Tanya opened her mouth and beckoned me with her tongue and started sucking me off, or rather from Pasha's blows on her ass she only had to put her head on my cock. Such swings ended in about 15 minutes with a violent orgasm. Tanya screamed so that I involuntarily began to cum in her mouth, with cum pouring out of her mouth and lips. I was cumming and cumming, holding her head I wanted to cum down her throat so she would swallow the cum. But since the girl was in ecstasy and was making noise like crazy, then to my regret "on the lips flowed and in the mouth did not get it". Pashka fucked his wife a little more, also took out his cock and jerked it over his wife's face and poured his supply on her face. As I realized that the woman did not like and did not want to swallow our cum and the maximum that we could count on was that we would cum on her face. Of course the sight was surprisingly arousing, on her knees in the office in a medical officer's gown stood a woman with her breasts out and with a face on which there was not a centimeter not smeared with cum. Tanya wiped the cum off her face with her hands and licked her fingers and walked away without saying a word. I would probably never have sex like that again, but now I realized that I had to make a whore out of my wife!