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如果你知道有多少人认为你是同性恋,你就不会这样开玩笑了<br>你吸过大麻吗?它对每个人的影响都不一样,有人会产生 "哈哈 "的效果,有人会开始思考某些事情,并为某些事情大伤脑筋,有人只是嗨了一下,从而从问题中放松下来,还有人可能坐在上面,无法想象没有大麻的日子。各人有各人的看法。我和我的朋友都不是瘾君子,但我们时不时地喜欢抽烟。确切地说,我的朋友喜欢,而我只是喜欢有人陪。他总是告诉我,一个人抽烟很无聊,如果我拒绝,他就会打我。说完这些话后,他的脸上总会浮现出笑容,双手已经在往香烟里填充必要的成分了。老实说,我很少能抗拒他的笑容。他一笑,我的胃里就好像有什么东西在紧缩,而我...... 我什么都愿意接受  [ Misbrug] 他显然不知道这一点,也许他猜到了,但他并不确定。我还喜欢他的车。有一个笑容如此甜美的好朋友 [ Missbrauch] 还有一辆车 这真是美梦成真。如果再深入一点看我们的关系,我们从小学开始就是朋友,尽管我们在不同的年级。他比我大一岁,但这并不妨碍我们在课间休息时甚至在学校里一起玩耍。我们一起长大,一起喝第一瓶啤酒,一起跑到校外抽烟,等等。我记得有一个时刻,是我对我们友谊看法的转折点。虽然这有点夸张,但你必须同意,我们经常会在没有意义的地方看到意义。随便啦 总之,当时我们正和他在街上闲逛,就像闲暇时在街上闲逛的普通青少年一样,他班上的几个女生正朝我们走来。我不知道她们的名字,但我经常看到马克和她们说话。于是,其中一个女生冲我们喊道,我们就像一对甜蜜的情侣,走到哪里都在一起,我们应该结婚。我赞许地拥抱了我的朋友,并补充说,也许我们很快就会结婚。我永远也忘不了他在我们离开那群大笑的女孩时对我说的话:"如果你知道有多少人认为你是同性恋,你就不会拿这个开玩笑了。这句话对我的打击真的很大,以至于我开始挖掘自己,而当你挖掘的时候,你一定会发现一些可怕的东西。你不能一觉醒来就对自己说 "是的,我是同性恋" 首先,你必须了解所有这些感觉、想法 以及萌芽欲望的回声 然后你必须惊慌失措 所以,在说完这些话后,我开始思考我到底是谁。我想得越多,就越意识到我喜欢马克 远远不止是朋友那么简单 然后情况越来越糟 马克开始有了女朋友,我们一起出去的次数少了,我也找不到理由经常给他打电话。我们渐渐疏远了,我不禁感到沮丧。 于是,随着时间的推移,我们开始更频繁地见面,我 " [ Orgie] [;u=3274804 Missbrauch] 长大了 "的身心开始想方设法讨好我的朋友,不管他能想到什么。马克把车停在院子里远离马路的地方,然后立即拿出一支烟,对着车窗抖落烟丝,拿出一包计划好的烟,小心翼翼地把烟盒里的东西塞进空烟盒里,捻起烟头,用舌头蘸湿烟纸,以免烟头过快燃烧。看着马克用舌头舔烟,我感到特别惬意,他的嘴唇、嘴巴,在某种程度上还有他的舌头,就像一种花边新闻,温暖着我的心灵,让我的胃产生某种特殊的反应。马克递给我一支大麻烟,拿出他那带翻盖的高级打火机,盖上盖子就能燃烧,直到你把它合上,就在那一刻,车内燃起了熊熊火焰。我把烟放在嘴边,伸手去摸火苗。吸食大麻的方法有很多,光是介绍这些方法就要花很多时间,所以还是重点介绍一种我特别喜欢的方法吧。这就是 "吸"。就是一个人把大麻烟叼在嘴里,燃烧的一面向内,用嘴唇夹住过滤嘴,然后把烟雾吐到另一个人的嘴里,而此时另一个人的嘴尽量靠近你的嘴唇。这有点像不接触的接吻。正如你所理解的,这种方法对我来说很特别,每次马克把烟吐到我嘴里时,我都会轻轻地把手放在他的肩膀上,就像控制他的行动一样,这样就不会浪费任何 "烟雾"。吸完第一口,我把大麻烟递给我的朋友。马克也学着我的样子吸了一口,几秒钟后,他走到我跟前,翻了翻烟,暗示我 "接过来"。<br>不用问我两次,我的手就自动伸向了他的肩膀,但不知什么时候,我的手轻轻地落在了他的脖子上,马克抽动了一下,但没有抽开。抽完之后,我们坐在车里,关上车窗,不让烟雾散出,就这样在烟雾中 "烹饪",直到完全沉醉。没过多久,马克的脸上就露出了他标志性的笑容,我们哈哈大笑起来。要我告诉你大麻对我的作用吗?它能让我对当下可能兴奋的任何事物的感知更加敏锐和强烈,而这一次,我看着马克的嘴唇,它们让我兴奋不已。起初我的内心在说 "它们多美啊",然后我的身体开始轻微颤抖,我的胃开始有点刺痛,我的小弟弟 开始勃起。我想,如果是在清醒的时候,我不会太在意这个过程,但此刻,我的小弟弟的重量是一个很好的理由,让我绷紧神经,加倍努力地思考这个问题。马克靠在椅子上,拿出一支普通香烟,开始抽了起来,一边抽一边跟我说着什么。抽完烟,他打开车窗,把烟头从小孔里推出去,然后又关上车窗,不让新鲜空气驱散弥漫在车内所有空地上的烟雾。就在那一刻,我突然走过去吻了我的朋友。就像我说过的那样,感官被提升了,他嘴唇的触感是一种不真实的感觉。他的嘴唇很柔软,有点干燥,还带着烟草的苦味。这个吻并不长,只有几秒钟,但对我来说却是世界上最长的几秒钟。拉开他的手,我立刻注意到他的眼睛瞪得圆圆的。马克像见了鬼一样盯着我,一声不吭,只是盯着,不敢动弹。于是我决定采取行动,用指尖轻轻地碰了碰他的脖子。男孩颤抖了一下,一直紧紧贴在一起的嘴唇微微张开,让他呼出了一口气,然后我真的吻了他,用舌头伸进他的嘴里,拉开他的嘴唇,用唾液弄湿了他的嘴唇。马克屈服于我的摆布,也开始移动舌头。我们亲吻了几分钟。在此期间,我的手已经伸进了他的 T 恤下面,抚摸着他结实的腹部和乳头。马克的身材很好,我一直想用手抚摸他的腹部,我很容易就做到了,没有遇到任何阻力。马克兴奋得浑身发抖。他脱下自己的 T 恤,把它扔到汽车后座上,然后猛地拉动了固定座椅的拉杆。座椅后背顺利地向后滑动,此时,马克呈躺卧姿势,他有力的手滑向我的后颈,开始向下按压,让我的嘴唇触碰到他的胸膛。一步一步,一吻一吻,我越吻越低,直到男人身体的酸臭味扑鼻而来。或者说,是身体的下面。他的阴茎头从牛仔裤的腰带下露出来,让我知道了他男人的整体尺寸。我没有想到会是这样,所以我用舌头轻轻舔了一下流出的透明液体。马克呻吟了一声,迅速解开皮带,脱下裤子,给了我更多的操作空间。在手的帮助下,我第一次笨拙地吮吸起来。马克时不时地用手按住我的头,使劲把我压在他的阴茎上,让我喘不过气来,只有当我喘息着试图挣脱时,他才放开我。他既粗暴又温柔,他的鸡巴简直就是个他妈的工具。他很快就高潮了。在我嘴里。没有任何预兆,也几乎没有发出任何声音,他只是更加激烈地呼吸着,把我的头紧紧地贴在他的身上。我不得不吞下去 当他的手松开,我可以把他的阴茎从我嘴里拿出来时,一些精液开始顺着阴茎往下流。即使是现在,我也很难想象他能把所有的精液都射进我的身体里。它确实非常大。马克心满意足地拿出一支烟,开始抽了起来,然后穿上裤子,把汽车座椅放回原位。之后,他若无其事地建议我们去超市买点吃的。我同意了。说实话,我并没有因为他的无动于衷而伤心。我得到了我想要的。我想取悦他。那一刻,我甚至没想过要相互爱抚。我害怕他做完之后,我们的关系会动摇,一切都会分崩离析,但这并没有发生。我们还是会聊天,还是会有交集,晚上还是会在他的车里闲逛。有时候,他可以一言不发地把椅背往后一翻,我的嘴唇就会紧紧咬住他的阴茎。
"Fucking Auntie<br>Once I was asked by my mother to take her own [ sister], Aunt Lena, to Kiev on a one-day business trip, there and back. I was a student on holiday at the time, so I had some free time. It should be said about my aunt, she was 30, I was 21. So the difference between us was not big. And Auntie was quite an attractive woman. Although she was not a sugar. Probably, that's why she couldn't arrange her personal life and was already divorced for the 2nd time. I thought that I would have a boring journey and would have to entertain my aunt. It took about 6 hours to get to Kiev from our city. We left early, so my aunt decided to sleep. She was dressed appropriately: in business style clothes. Blouse, jacket, short skirt, black knee-high boots and tights. Her round knees, covered with thin tights, were arousing to me. I drove and looked first at her legs. Then, changing speeds, ostensibly missing, I started touching her knees. Then I wanted more: to see what panties she was wearing. I started to touch her already short skirt so that a strip of panties would show from underneath the skirt. I succeeded. So soon I could see the lacy white panties she was wearing. I even managed to see the hairs of her trimmed cunt poking through the panties. Man, that was turning me on. I slowed down near a wooded area that just so happened to be in the way. I had in mind, if I stopped to go to the loo. In the meantime I started stroking my auntie's pantyhose, feeling the warmth of her body through them. Then I pulled back the claws on her cunt and smelled the odour of her crotch. It was fragrant. She must not have gone to the bathroom before travelling after her shower. The smell was fresh and clean. I pulled down her panties and ran my fingers through the hairs of her cunt. I ran my index finger deeper to reach her labia and clitoris. Started unbuttoning her jacket and blouse to see what was underneath. I pulled down the cups of her bra and started sucking on her nipples while working a finger into her vagina. Her vagina became wet. Then the aunt woke up and stared at me with a sleep-deprived look. After a few seconds her gaze took on a meaningful expression. From surprise I did not even have time to pull my hand out of her panties. She understood without words. She only said, "Oh,  [ Sister] my nephew. "Well, once you've started, go on. And I did. I reclined her seat so she was half lying down. Pulled off her tights and knickers, spread her legs and entered her as far as I could. That's how I started fucking her. She had not had sex for a long time, because she gave herself passionately and self-consciously as only a mature woman can. Then she said: "Now fuck me in the arse. Remind me of the forgotten sensations of my youth." I didn't have to ask twice. The fact that she was acting like a slut and our kinship turned me on. I got her bent over and started shoving my cock into her anus. "Come on, [ Kuss] come on! Soften her anus with your tongue," she whispered loudly. I obediently started fucking her anus with my tongue. Gradually I began to feel its pliability to my penetrations. I realised it was time for cock. When I entered her arse. She cried out: "Oh! Fuck! What a sensation!" After that she started to put her anus on my dick, swallowing it with her rectum under the root. So that my balls were slamming into her wet cunt. I leaned over and started sucking on her earlobe, running my tongue in her ear. These caresses made her arsehole spin like a propeller. "Cum in my cunt! Don't be afraid now you can," she ordered. And I obediently began to [ fuck] her in her cunt again. And then she began to cum violently. At the same time her vagina began to squeeze, as if squeezing my cock, begging for its life-giving moisture. Such a pleasant torture I couldn't stand it. I began to spurt into her cunt as vigorously as I could. There was so much cum that it began to spill out of her vagina and smear the seat cover. "Shit, I'll have to wash the seat cover, or I'll get stains," I thought to myself. Then we were still lying in each other's arms, enjoying the pleasure we had just received. We whispered to each other various silly things and in general we behaved like a couple of lovers, not like aunt and nephew. On the way there and back we stopped a few more times in the wooded areas, satisfying our lust. When we got home, we agreed to meet periodically without attracting the attention of relatives. That's the kind of aunt I have! Those who don't have one - envy her)."

Revision as of 17:51, 10 September 2024

"Fucking Auntie
Once I was asked by my mother to take her own sister, Aunt Lena, to Kiev on a one-day business trip, there and back. I was a student on holiday at the time, so I had some free time. It should be said about my aunt, she was 30, I was 21. So the difference between us was not big. And Auntie was quite an attractive woman. Although she was not a sugar. Probably, that's why she couldn't arrange her personal life and was already divorced for the 2nd time. I thought that I would have a boring journey and would have to entertain my aunt. It took about 6 hours to get to Kiev from our city. We left early, so my aunt decided to sleep. She was dressed appropriately: in business style clothes. Blouse, jacket, short skirt, black knee-high boots and tights. Her round knees, covered with thin tights, were arousing to me. I drove and looked first at her legs. Then, changing speeds, ostensibly missing, I started touching her knees. Then I wanted more: to see what panties she was wearing. I started to touch her already short skirt so that a strip of panties would show from underneath the skirt. I succeeded. So soon I could see the lacy white panties she was wearing. I even managed to see the hairs of her trimmed cunt poking through the panties. Man, that was turning me on. I slowed down near a wooded area that just so happened to be in the way. I had in mind, if I stopped to go to the loo. In the meantime I started stroking my auntie's pantyhose, feeling the warmth of her body through them. Then I pulled back the claws on her cunt and smelled the odour of her crotch. It was fragrant. She must not have gone to the bathroom before travelling after her shower. The smell was fresh and clean. I pulled down her panties and ran my fingers through the hairs of her cunt. I ran my index finger deeper to reach her labia and clitoris. Started unbuttoning her jacket and blouse to see what was underneath. I pulled down the cups of her bra and started sucking on her nipples while working a finger into her vagina. Her vagina became wet. Then the aunt woke up and stared at me with a sleep-deprived look. After a few seconds her gaze took on a meaningful expression. From surprise I did not even have time to pull my hand out of her panties. She understood without words. She only said, "Oh, Sister my nephew. "Well, once you've started, go on. And I did. I reclined her seat so she was half lying down. Pulled off her tights and knickers, spread her legs and entered her as far as I could. That's how I started fucking her. She had not had sex for a long time, because she gave herself passionately and self-consciously as only a mature woman can. Then she said: "Now fuck me in the arse. Remind me of the forgotten sensations of my youth." I didn't have to ask twice. The fact that she was acting like a slut and our kinship turned me on. I got her bent over and started shoving my cock into her anus. "Come on, Kuss come on! Soften her anus with your tongue," she whispered loudly. I obediently started fucking her anus with my tongue. Gradually I began to feel its pliability to my penetrations. I realised it was time for cock. When I entered her arse. She cried out: "Oh! Fuck! What a sensation!" After that she started to put her anus on my dick, swallowing it with her rectum under the root. So that my balls were slamming into her wet cunt. I leaned over and started sucking on her earlobe, running my tongue in her ear. These caresses made her arsehole spin like a propeller. "Cum in my cunt! Don't be afraid now you can," she ordered. And I obediently began to fuck her in her cunt again. And then she began to cum violently. At the same time her vagina began to squeeze, as if squeezing my cock, begging for its life-giving moisture. Such a pleasant torture I couldn't stand it. I began to spurt into her cunt as vigorously as I could. There was so much cum that it began to spill out of her vagina and smear the seat cover. "Shit, I'll have to wash the seat cover, or I'll get stains," I thought to myself. Then we were still lying in each other's arms, enjoying the pleasure we had just received. We whispered to each other various silly things and in general we behaved like a couple of lovers, not like aunt and nephew. On the way there and back we stopped a few more times in the wooded areas, satisfying our lust. When we got home, we agreed to meet periodically without attracting the attention of relatives. That's the kind of aunt I have! Those who don't have one - envy her)."